How to Compile

Compile using Docker

1. Install Docker

sudo snap install docker

You can also refer to the Docker Official Documentation to install Docker.

2. Build the Image

make build_docker

This step builds a Docker image, automatically compiling all required dependencies.

3. Run the Container

make docker

This step starts a container, mounts the current directory into the container, and enters the container's shell.

4. Compile

Execute the following command in the container to compile.

make all

Compile using the local environment

1. Install RustUp and Cargo

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | \
    sh -s -- -y --no-modify-path --profile minimal --default-toolchain nightly

2. Install the Toolchain

The toolchain currently used by the project includes:

You can check if these tools are installed yourself, or use the following commands to install them:

(1) Install toml-cli and cargo-binutils

cargo install toml-cli cargo-binutils

(2) Install the cross-compilation toolchain for the target platform

rustup target add aarch64-unknown-none

(3) Parse rust-toolchain.toml to install the Rust toolchain

RUST_VERSION=$(toml get -r rust-toolchain.toml && \
Components=$(toml get -r rust-toolchain.toml toolchain.components | jq -r 'join(" ")') && \
rustup install $RUST_VERSION && \
rustup component add --toolchain $RUST_VERSION $Components

(4) Compile

make all