CPU Virtualization under RISCV

Abstract: Introduce the CPU virtualization work under the RISCV architecture around the ArchCpu structure.

Two Data Structures Involved

Hvisor supports multiple architectures, and the work required for CPU virtualization in each architecture is different, but a unified interface should be provided in a system. Therefore, we split the CPU into two data structures: PerCpu and ArchCpu.


This is a general description of the CPU, which has already been introduced in the PerCpu documentation.


ArchCpu is a CPU structure for specific architectures (RISCV architecture is introduced in this article). This structure undertakes the specific behavior of the CPU.

In the ARM architecture, there is also a corresponding ArchCpu, which has a slightly different structure from the ArchCpu introduced in this section, but they have the same interface (i.e., they both have behaviors such as initialization).

The fields included are as follows:

pub struct ArchCpu {
    pub x: [usize; 32], //x0~x31
    pub hstatus: usize,
    pub sstatus: usize,
    pub sepc: usize,
    pub stack_top: usize,
    pub cpuid: usize,
    pub power_on: bool,
    pub init: bool,
    pub sstc: bool,

The explanation of each field is as follows:

  • x: values of general-purpose registers
  • hstatus: stores the value of the Hypervisor status register
  • sstatus: stores the value of the Supervisor status register, managing S-mode state information, such as interrupt enable flags, etc.
  • sepc: the return address at the end of exception handling
  • stack_top: the stack top of the corresponding CPU stack
  • power_on: whether the CPU is powered on
  • init: whether the CPU has been initialized
  • sstc: whether the timer interrupt has been configured

This part explains the methods involved.


This method mainly initializes the CPU, sets the context when first entering the VM, and some CSR initialization.


By executing the wfi instruction, set non-primary CPUs to a low-power idle state.

Set up a special memory page containing instructions that make the CPU enter a low-power waiting state, allowing them to be placed in a low-power waiting state when no tasks are allocated to some CPUs in the system until an interrupt occurs.


The main content of this method is some initialization, setting the correct CPU execution entry, and modifying the flag that the CPU has been initialized.

vcpu_arch_entry / VM_ENTRY

This is a piece of assembly code describing the work that needs to be handled when entering the VM from hvisor. First, it gets the context information in the original ArchCpu through the sscratch register, then sets hstatus, sstatus, and sepc to the values we previously saved, ensuring that when returning to the VM, it is in VS mode and starts executing from the correct position. Finally, restore the values of the general-purpose registers and return to the VM using sret.


When exiting the VM and entering hvisor, it is also necessary to save the relevant state at the time of VM exit.

First, get the address of ArchCpu through the sscratch register, but here we will swap the information of sscratch and x31, rather than directly overwriting x31. Then save the values of the general-purpose registers except x31. Now the information of x31 is in sscratch, so first save the value of x31 to sp, then swap x31 and sscratch, and store the information of x31 through sp to the corresponding position in ArchCpu.

Then save hstatus, sstatus, and sepc. When we finish the work in hvisor and need to return to the VM, we need to use the VM_ENTRY code to restore the values of these three registers to the state before the VM entered hvisor, so we should save them here.

ld sp, 35*8(sp) puts the top of the kernel stack saved by ArchCpu into sp for use, facilitating the use of the kernel stack in hvisor.

csrr a0, sscratch puts the value of sscratch into the a0 register. When we have saved the context and jump to the exception handling function, the parameters will be passed through a0, allowing access to the saved context during exception handling, such as the exit code, etc.